Saturday, August 22, 2009

RamadHan DaTang LaGi!!!

of course la...
da staun x puase...puase sunat pown nk jd neyh...

org salu duk psg azam ble tym new year...bpe cebis je yg psg azam ble sambot ramadhan???sme la ngn ak ni..heheh..nk psg azam bkn nyer ekot tym..ble2 pown leh psg..kan..kan??heheh...
so, smpena start puase ni...ak nk bykkn ibadat,puase penoh, teraweh penoh...hurmm...hrpnye da abes ramadhan pown dpt sambong ag ibadat2 ak..yg wajib tuh of course la...yg sunat tuh...hurmmm...

ble ckp psl puase..ak ase dde je yg da lupe niat puase..sme la ngan tuan blog ak tempekkn la niat ni ngan harapan de yg bce n recall blk niat ni...

hurmm....harapnye bulan puase ni dpt mgajar sesame kte mengawal segala jenis nafsu...ckup2la cari masalah..ckup2 la cri lawan...ajar diri tuh kawal nafsu...

pd yg rase idop x besh..x adil...byk la wat ibadat bln ni..jgn duk bsg slhkn org...cari slh sndiri tuh dlu..papehal pown blk la pd Tuhan..

seblom ak nk tido ni..ak nk ucapkn slamat berpuase pd yg nk puase..pada yg ase x nk puase la msk2 pe korg dpt kalo x pose seleyn dpt mkn..hurmm...byk faedah ngan ganjaran nyer ble puase ramadhan ni...jgn la hrpkn ganjaran yg mate korg nmpk je...hurmm...
k la... x mo ngok ngek byk2...
akhir kate....


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ReNungaN BwaT Dri seNdiRI...

Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.


hurmm...ble mr. president ni ckp ni pown ak x taw...surf2 kat tenet ni ak jumpe la...ase nyer sesuai sgt nk motivate kan dri ak yg tgh kiciwa ni...bkn putos chenta k...hekhek..ak smemangnye ske ngan quote2 or wisdom words ni...lg2 kalo de kne mengena ngan ak..mmg kompem ade pown kalo cri...huhu...

pe yg ak fail??well...result last sem da kuar..bkn nyer nk mgharapkn 4 flat kepe...ok mgharapkan yg stimpal la ngan usaha ak...bape result??x yah la bg taw..bkn nye terok sgt pown..bkn nyer bgs rase x puas ati sbb x berbaloi..x besyukor ke ak ni???bkn nyer mcm tuh...biase la..kalo ape yg kte usaha gle2 skali x yg kte rse??hurmmm org ckp, jgn tuding jari kat org leyn..cari kelemahan diri dulu..mmg btol pown ..ak stuju ngan pndapat kalo bab usaha ak seblom xm tuh mmg ak stuju...maybe de sbb leyn kot..tu yg ak cri2 ni...maybe de dosa2 ak kt sesape ke..hurmm..maap la eh kat sesape yg bedendam or x puas ati kat ak..ak x sengaje.....

x taw pown nk mrepek pe ni..juz nk share je ak kate awl2 td..cri motivation tuk diri sndiri..gagal skali x bererti akn gagal slamenye..berjaya skali x bererti berjaye slamenye..da lumrah idop de mase kte kat mse kte kat bwh...ak ase ni tym ak kt bwh..

know what..bkk sem ni ak da jd 2nd year student da...and ak still lg bcita-cita nk graduate ngan 1st class dgree..walopon da mkn ssh nk dpt..ak x kn give up...i'll work harder..yeah!!

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

-Micheal Jordan-

Saturday, August 8, 2009


you'll never walk alone!!
currently watching the last liverpool pre season game against athletico madrid..hurmm..
frust tol rr..2 goals behind...lg2 kat anfield..adoyh..
kebal ag kah anfield season ni??tah la..
walo cmne pn, ni kan friendly je(ayat nk sedapkn ati)....
alonso xde..bley ke aquilani sehebat alonso..maybe..maybe better..tah la..
GOAL!!!!!haha..sempat pown goal seblom ak post..haha...
lucas yg score...
akhir nyer..huhu

When you walk through a storm hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

second attemp.....


Assalamualaikum....hurmm..second da 2nd tym ak wat nlog nih..dulu hgt2 tek aym harapnye pnjg la umo..bkn nye pe..ak ni jenis yg x byk ckp..lam blog pown ak x taw nk carot pe..tu yg payah smpi ble ak nk dok diam je..trase gak la lonely..hahaha..lg2 nga cuti skang ni..duk umah tito je keje..otak pown x kembang..hurmm...

Da dkt 3 mggu da cuti...nk abes da ak wat cuti ni??????x wat pape kot...adoyh..bosan nye idop ni....

Tu la..engatnye ble wat blog nih dpt gak la ak ngomel sorg2...ilang gak bosan..agknye la..
duk bce2 blog org cam besh gak...tu yg tetbe mnt gak tuh...hehehh...

Org x bce blog nih??pedulik pe kalo bley bce la eh..heeee....
x kesa pown...maybe thru blog ni dpt gak la ak release tense ak byk je ak pk skang ni...bley gile woo...

x byk pown nk ngomel awl2 ni..awl pg ag tuh...tggu la next post ak..ble pown x taw..
kk...enjoy...slamat mmbace...daa~~