pe yg de kat sne???
cam grand je realiti nye kontang...
bkn kekontangan yg nk di critakan kat sini...
hurmm...kalo xde penanggohan lg...bermula sem dpn dalm bln 7 ak kne pindah BJ..sbb nye fakulti pindah...excited ke???x la...da biase pindah2 ni..cume seblom ni pindah rumah je...knape ke BJ??
mnurut mngement unisel, sume ni ats sbb tuk mnaik taraf...(kalo ade agenda leyn ak x taw)....bkn x mngambil berat..cume cube berpikiran positif...
pindah ke BJ ni ak sokong KALAU lab disediakan selengkap nye...yg mne skang ni x nmpk pown perubahan nye...
knape lab BJ???hurmm...sesungguhnya ak keciwa yg amat dgn lab di Shah alam...
Lab skola ak dlu lg besa kot...bley lari2 ag...da byk kali da ak cte psl lab SA ni...sempit yg amat...bhn x cukup...apparatus x ckup...lab yg amat kecik sekecik sparoh drpd klas skolah di muatkan dgn +- 50 org...byg kan la...mmg knape ak maseh bepeloh lam lab???hurmmm...mmg la ekon tuh function nye bkn tuk ak..
pe beza nye ngan Lab d BJ???kalo ikut tym skang xde beza pown...drpd duk push mnagement postpon/x pndah bek push suh lengkapkn lab...SOBALS!!...hurmmm
mmg 1 je sbb ak nk pndh BJ..nk lab yg full...lengkp...sbb kalo tgk kan lab skang...hurmm...ak ase bek ak wat degree kat skola ak je..kalo de la...haha...
lab...lab..lab..tu je yg ak nk...
yg mslah nye...ble nk pndah still x kompem...mngemnt ckp cnfirm...then de suare2 ckp x cnfirm...hurmmm...tym dialog bsg psl umah sewa skang..takot x dpt deposit blk la...mcm ni la..smbl2 bsg tuh try la slow talk ngan tuan umah...btaw la awl2...mne la taw...kang buat nye mmg kompem pndah jun...shari seblom jun bru nk tehengeh btaw tuan umah...mmg ko x dpt deposit ko blk la...mslah ak ni lbey kurg cam2 la...nk btaw tuan x kompem pndah plak...ishhh...geram...problem stdy da byk..tmbh prob leyn kate putus la...sng...skang ni da la short notice psl pndah...korg kerohkn lg...ishh...tlg la....
mrapu ak ni based on ak nye pendapat...xde mne2 source pown...stuju ato x tuh sume pndapat sndiri...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
nk mnaip psl ni cam sensitip x pe la...juz my point of view...
psl pe???psl kes biotek pndah BJ ah...huhu..
last week de dialog session ngan TNC2..2 org je dtg..patotnye de ag...
sbb x dtg x taw ah..dan sbb ketakdatangan diorg tuh da jd point tuk ktorg student2 ni MENEMBAK mreka....hurmm...
psl isu ni...kne pndah BJ bkn prob bg ak...sbb seblom ni da pnah pown duk sne..n it is not a problem for problem bg rmai student2 leyn...tah problem diorg...diorg jela yg taw...walopon ak cam taw gak la sket..hehe...
psl dialog aritu...komen ak x bpihak pd mne2...mnagement pown salah...student pown slh...biase nye win win situation tp kali ni cam lose lose situation...
mngement x redy nk bdepan ngan ktorg...jwpn yg di beri pown skadar boley dipercayai oleh bdk2 tadika je...alahai...
isu pindah ni sensitip la jwpn yg bernas sket...mmg hak ktorg sbgai student tuk risau psl ni melibatkn mse dpn... tp nk slhkn mnagement 100 pecen pown x bley gak ko...student pown ego nye cam mlebey..x sume k...cmni la...
"If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience."
msg send???stgh2 student ni mmg xmo pindah bg la alsan pe pown...jwpn pe pown...mmg diorg x puas ati nye...yg diorg nk denga X JD pk2 kan la...
psl dialog aritu pow...hurmm...JGN CAMPOR ngan politik k...pd ak stgh2 soklan student ni based on fahamn politik diorg...yelah...UNISEL kan pembangkang...nk hentam2 pown biarla based on fact..bwk bukti...jgn ckp je..."sy ade source ckp gini2..."mmg la nk jge kedudukan source tu responsible with actions u've taken...hurmmm...
lg satu psl keadaan lab sne...btol..mmg ksg..hapak xde pape ag...sape x risau beb...ktorg biotek...lab tuh playground ktorg...haihh...cume nye cam x kne la plak...yg duk bsg2 psl lab trok tuh tym lab muke nye lgsg x pnah x pe byk post ak btaw ak nye sbb nape ak nk pndah n nape isu ni jd masalah kat ak...
nk mnaip psl ni cam sensitip x pe la...juz my point of view...
psl pe???psl kes biotek pndah BJ ah...huhu..
last week de dialog session ngan TNC2..2 org je dtg..patotnye de ag...
sbb x dtg x taw ah..dan sbb ketakdatangan diorg tuh da jd point tuk ktorg student2 ni MENEMBAK mreka....hurmm...
psl isu ni...kne pndah BJ bkn prob bg ak...sbb seblom ni da pnah pown duk sne..n it is not a problem for problem bg rmai student2 leyn...tah problem diorg...diorg jela yg taw...walopon ak cam taw gak la sket..hehe...
psl dialog aritu...komen ak x bpihak pd mne2...mnagement pown salah...student pown slh...biase nye win win situation tp kali ni cam lose lose situation...
mngement x redy nk bdepan ngan ktorg...jwpn yg di beri pown skadar boley dipercayai oleh bdk2 tadika je...alahai...
isu pindah ni sensitip la jwpn yg bernas sket...mmg hak ktorg sbgai student tuk risau psl ni melibatkn mse dpn... tp nk slhkn mnagement 100 pecen pown x bley gak ko...student pown ego nye cam mlebey..x sume k...cmni la...
"If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience."
msg send???stgh2 student ni mmg xmo pindah bg la alsan pe pown...jwpn pe pown...mmg diorg x puas ati nye...yg diorg nk denga X JD pk2 kan la...
psl dialog aritu pow...hurmm...JGN CAMPOR ngan politik k...pd ak stgh2 soklan student ni based on fahamn politik diorg...yelah...UNISEL kan pembangkang...nk hentam2 pown biarla based on fact..bwk bukti...jgn ckp je..."sy ade source ckp gini2..."mmg la nk jge kedudukan source tu responsible with actions u've taken...hurmmm...
lg satu psl keadaan lab sne...btol..mmg ksg..hapak xde pape ag...sape x risau beb...ktorg biotek...lab tuh playground ktorg...haihh...cume nye cam x kne la plak...yg duk bsg2 psl lab trok tuh tym lab muke nye lgsg x pnah x pe byk post ak btaw ak nye sbb nape ak nk pndah n nape isu ni jd masalah kat ak...
kEnapa aku x Suke groUp Assingmnet....

sem ni plg serabot kot...
group esement blambak..ak da la x ske...ish..
smpi bcampor2 da group ni...subjek leyn grup leyn...ishh...
tu 1 hal...blom masok grup mmbr yg x leh harap...
kalo ekotkn mmg x nk da se-grup ngan yg x ley hrp ni...hurmm
kejam ke??
pk sndiri la sape lg kejam...
kalo 5 org 1 grup... ak ase de la lam 70 pesen ak yg wat...ngan 2 3 org ag...lg 30 pesen mne???tuh pown ktorg gak yg tlg...90 pesen la sng cte...ishh...
da la wat keje sket...anto pown lmbt...alahai...ble bg keje ssh sket mrungut...x phm la...da wat keje last minute nk phm pe nye...
ak pown da keje leyn gak...kalo yg leyn bley siapkn cpt...yg leyn yg salu lmbt tuh wat la cpt gak...kalo still x paham tp effort ade xpe efford pown x de..
lg 3 grup esemen nk kne siapkn..x taw la cmne...kalo ikutkn ati mmg ak nk wat cincai sbb libatkn marks org leyn gak kte wat la tuh la...asek pk kat org leyn layn bkn pk kt kte pown...hurmm...
spe kejam skang ni???pk2 la.....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
hampir sebulan.......
dkt sebulan da ak cuti dr brsukan ni...seb bek la bdn x nek(mcm la bley nek)...
bkn sbb pe..psl jari kaki ni rr...nk wat cmne...kalo da nk jd tuh..jd la gak...
engatkn da x men futsal, badminton sume tuh..bley rr saving sket dwet...lg2 tym parent ak xde ni..g cam sme je...huhu...
3 april de tournament futsal...ak da siap bg nme x taw rr sempat fully recovered ke x...hrp nye sempat rr...mggu ni nk try lari2 sket..haha..jog...
kalo x sempat heal x dpt rr men..kne rr cri org ganti...
seblom brabok blog ni bek la ak mrapu jap...huhu...
bkn sbb pe..psl jari kaki ni rr...nk wat cmne...kalo da nk jd tuh..jd la gak...
engatkn da x men futsal, badminton sume tuh..bley rr saving sket dwet...lg2 tym parent ak xde ni..g cam sme je...huhu...
3 april de tournament futsal...ak da siap bg nme x taw rr sempat fully recovered ke x...hrp nye sempat rr...mggu ni nk try lari2 sket..haha..jog...
kalo x sempat heal x dpt rr men..kne rr cri org ganti...
seblom brabok blog ni bek la ak mrapu jap...huhu...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wise up you all!!
::text below is not mine ..taken from n think bout it::
Thursday, March 4th, 2010 13:13:00
I was watching another episode of Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, and it reminded me of one particularly funny incident.
I was with a couple of teenagers and I was trying to gauge what the young ones were up to at that point.
After a few minutes with them, I rea lised that the two kids seemed to have some "communication problems".
They didn't talk much and they cer tainly did not seem to be interested in anything.
I tried all I could to make them open up and nothing seemed to work. My lengthy questions were mainly greeted with monosyllabic answers.
Since I was asked to take care of the two for a bit, I decided to play a quiz game with them. That was when every thing went all over the place...
"So, tell me what you know about the world?"
No response. (Were they on drugs or something?).
"I'll ask you some simple questions and anyone who can give me the answer just shoot," uncle Alam said enthusiastically.
"What is the capital of the Philippines?"
The reply was painstakingly slow. After a couple of minutes one of them triumphantly said: "Myanmar!"
I was just shocked. There were several more questions on South East Asia, and none of them was answered correctly. I was, by then, getting a little more agitated.
"Let's simplify the quiz," I said. "Let's focus on our country".
"So, what's the capital of Kelantan?"
"KUANTAN!" was the confident answer.
I was just shocked. I tried other States, and both the teenagers did not get a single answer right!
It was certainly an eye opener for me. What were they doing in school? What were they taught? Who were their teachers?
Most importantly, were their parents aware that the kids seemed to not have a care about anything?!
That saddened me deeply. In fact, I felt defeated.
Imagine if the two entered the show hosted by Jeff Foxworthy, they'd be creamed!
In another situation, I was with several college level youngsters and as usual, I'd try to get into their minds.
You see, that's one of the things about me that even I can't figure out. I am just too nosey (curious would sound a little snooty) and a great conversation would really get me high.
A great conversation, at times, would be just about nothing and well, every thing.
The subjects could move from basic history, science, art, entertainment and much more.
At times, people would ask me stuff and I'd try my best to answer them.
"So where are we going to this week end?" the young man asked.
"Pangkor, with the family", I said.
"That's in Pahang right?" was his response.
"Haven't you guys heard of Perjanjian Pangkor (Pangkor treaty)?"
"J.W.W Birch? British residents? Raja Abdullah? Seychelles?... err, the birth of Negaraku?"
Still blank.
So I asked his other friend, if he knew where Pangkor was, and the answer was "Pantai Timur (East coast)".
The problem was the one who said that Pangkor was in "Pantai Timur" was studying in Dungun, Terengganu.
I was dumbfounded.
Imagine me and my family going all the way to Terengganu to catch a flight back to Subang Airport to connect with another flight to Pangkor (it's in Perak, by the way).
Which reminds me of another incident when I told three young friends to meet me in Langkawi for an event.
Since I flew direct there, they decided to drive all the way north, catch a ferry and join me on the island.
Common sense would tell you that if you're not too sure about directions, you can a) ask around or b) buy a map.
If you're driving (which I don't), you have a choice of parking your car at Kuala Kedah or Kuala Perlis.
If you're not driving, and you're not flying, take a train to Arau and find your way to Kuala Perlis.
The difference is the ferry ride from Kuala Kedah is slightly longer than the one from Kuala Perlis.
However, you'd still save some time, because you'd reach Kuala Kedah faster by land.
Decisions, decisions... You know what? My three young friends arrived in Kuala Kedah at 3am, and decided to drive on to Kuala Perlis from there.
When they reached Langkawi the next morning, they were so exhausted that the entire stay on the island was a waste.
I just could not believe the logic behind the decisions...
Oh dear. We are really in deep trouble are we?
Well, I am not trying to say that I know everything (I am still learning a lot at this age), but I am beginning to worry about many things.
So, imagine if we have a programme like Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, I guess no one would pass even the first question.
What happened to our young gen eration?
However, if you asked them who the champions of Akademi Fantasia and One in A Million are, they could give you all the names in one breath.
They can point to you where to go on the net if you want to know how many people like or dislike Fasha Sanda and how many albums Datuk Siti Nurhaliza might have on her official website.
These same young people would even point out to you that you could just download the latest seasons of Heroes, Lost or Glee as well as the lat est movies.
When I was down with H1N1, one of the funniest questions I heard was, "were you allowed to call anyone when you're quarantined?"
I asked why.
"Mana la tau benda tu jangkit (who knows, you might infect the person you called").
Some of you might wonder by now if I've been surrounding myself with not-too-smart people all the time.
Well, if they're not smart, how can they even get their diploma or degree?
In fact, I am a dropout, if you should know. My highest level of education is Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).
The worst part for people like me is when I try to point out certain things to those who are smarter than me (on paper) and they'd look at me as this guy with a stick up my you-know-where.
At times, I would have to go through emails from many people and I'd scratch my head looking at the number of typos and spelling errors that you could detect in one paragraph.
I might not speak or write perfect English either, but I'd always try my best to make sure that the mistakes are minimal.
After all, the computers these days are equipped with all the tools to help anyone write well - spell-checkers, a thesaurus, dictionary and such.
Yet, when I was an editor I had to clear a copy by a journalism graduate who spelt wardrobe as "workrob".
When I pointed it out, the answer was "well, it's your job to clean it up, isn't it?" which left me flabbergasted.
Now that I am performing on stage more, a lot of my friends believed that all I had to do is leave the "brains depart ment" behind and go with the flow.
Well, to a certain degree, perhaps, but like anything else, if you come unprepared, there might just be more calamities than you can imagine.
You need to know where you are, who you're performing for, why you choose certain songs and how to carry yourself. You don't speak with a Kelantan accent in Kedah would you, and you might just have to leave Al Jarreau or Rickie Lee Jones behind if you're singing in Felda Redong in Segamat.
Still, those who refuse to listen and learn and be educated might just take what I said with a pinch of salt.
Well, at least I know where Pangkor is...
Thursday, March 4th, 2010 13:13:00
I was watching another episode of Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, and it reminded me of one particularly funny incident.
I was with a couple of teenagers and I was trying to gauge what the young ones were up to at that point.
After a few minutes with them, I rea lised that the two kids seemed to have some "communication problems".
They didn't talk much and they cer tainly did not seem to be interested in anything.
I tried all I could to make them open up and nothing seemed to work. My lengthy questions were mainly greeted with monosyllabic answers.
Since I was asked to take care of the two for a bit, I decided to play a quiz game with them. That was when every thing went all over the place...
"So, tell me what you know about the world?"
No response. (Were they on drugs or something?).
"I'll ask you some simple questions and anyone who can give me the answer just shoot," uncle Alam said enthusiastically.
"What is the capital of the Philippines?"
The reply was painstakingly slow. After a couple of minutes one of them triumphantly said: "Myanmar!"
I was just shocked. There were several more questions on South East Asia, and none of them was answered correctly. I was, by then, getting a little more agitated.
"Let's simplify the quiz," I said. "Let's focus on our country".
"So, what's the capital of Kelantan?"
"KUANTAN!" was the confident answer.
I was just shocked. I tried other States, and both the teenagers did not get a single answer right!
It was certainly an eye opener for me. What were they doing in school? What were they taught? Who were their teachers?
Most importantly, were their parents aware that the kids seemed to not have a care about anything?!
That saddened me deeply. In fact, I felt defeated.
Imagine if the two entered the show hosted by Jeff Foxworthy, they'd be creamed!
In another situation, I was with several college level youngsters and as usual, I'd try to get into their minds.
You see, that's one of the things about me that even I can't figure out. I am just too nosey (curious would sound a little snooty) and a great conversation would really get me high.
A great conversation, at times, would be just about nothing and well, every thing.
The subjects could move from basic history, science, art, entertainment and much more.
At times, people would ask me stuff and I'd try my best to answer them.
"So where are we going to this week end?" the young man asked.
"Pangkor, with the family", I said.
"That's in Pahang right?" was his response.
"Haven't you guys heard of Perjanjian Pangkor (Pangkor treaty)?"
"J.W.W Birch? British residents? Raja Abdullah? Seychelles?... err, the birth of Negaraku?"
Still blank.
So I asked his other friend, if he knew where Pangkor was, and the answer was "Pantai Timur (East coast)".
The problem was the one who said that Pangkor was in "Pantai Timur" was studying in Dungun, Terengganu.
I was dumbfounded.
Imagine me and my family going all the way to Terengganu to catch a flight back to Subang Airport to connect with another flight to Pangkor (it's in Perak, by the way).
Which reminds me of another incident when I told three young friends to meet me in Langkawi for an event.
Since I flew direct there, they decided to drive all the way north, catch a ferry and join me on the island.
Common sense would tell you that if you're not too sure about directions, you can a) ask around or b) buy a map.
If you're driving (which I don't), you have a choice of parking your car at Kuala Kedah or Kuala Perlis.
If you're not driving, and you're not flying, take a train to Arau and find your way to Kuala Perlis.
The difference is the ferry ride from Kuala Kedah is slightly longer than the one from Kuala Perlis.
However, you'd still save some time, because you'd reach Kuala Kedah faster by land.
Decisions, decisions... You know what? My three young friends arrived in Kuala Kedah at 3am, and decided to drive on to Kuala Perlis from there.
When they reached Langkawi the next morning, they were so exhausted that the entire stay on the island was a waste.
I just could not believe the logic behind the decisions...
Oh dear. We are really in deep trouble are we?
Well, I am not trying to say that I know everything (I am still learning a lot at this age), but I am beginning to worry about many things.
So, imagine if we have a programme like Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, I guess no one would pass even the first question.
What happened to our young gen eration?
However, if you asked them who the champions of Akademi Fantasia and One in A Million are, they could give you all the names in one breath.
They can point to you where to go on the net if you want to know how many people like or dislike Fasha Sanda and how many albums Datuk Siti Nurhaliza might have on her official website.
These same young people would even point out to you that you could just download the latest seasons of Heroes, Lost or Glee as well as the lat est movies.
When I was down with H1N1, one of the funniest questions I heard was, "were you allowed to call anyone when you're quarantined?"
I asked why.
"Mana la tau benda tu jangkit (who knows, you might infect the person you called").
Some of you might wonder by now if I've been surrounding myself with not-too-smart people all the time.
Well, if they're not smart, how can they even get their diploma or degree?
In fact, I am a dropout, if you should know. My highest level of education is Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).
The worst part for people like me is when I try to point out certain things to those who are smarter than me (on paper) and they'd look at me as this guy with a stick up my you-know-where.
At times, I would have to go through emails from many people and I'd scratch my head looking at the number of typos and spelling errors that you could detect in one paragraph.
I might not speak or write perfect English either, but I'd always try my best to make sure that the mistakes are minimal.
After all, the computers these days are equipped with all the tools to help anyone write well - spell-checkers, a thesaurus, dictionary and such.
Yet, when I was an editor I had to clear a copy by a journalism graduate who spelt wardrobe as "workrob".
When I pointed it out, the answer was "well, it's your job to clean it up, isn't it?" which left me flabbergasted.
Now that I am performing on stage more, a lot of my friends believed that all I had to do is leave the "brains depart ment" behind and go with the flow.
Well, to a certain degree, perhaps, but like anything else, if you come unprepared, there might just be more calamities than you can imagine.
You need to know where you are, who you're performing for, why you choose certain songs and how to carry yourself. You don't speak with a Kelantan accent in Kedah would you, and you might just have to leave Al Jarreau or Rickie Lee Jones behind if you're singing in Felda Redong in Segamat.
Still, those who refuse to listen and learn and be educated might just take what I said with a pinch of salt.
Well, at least I know where Pangkor is...
befday boy..=P
1 mac 2101....
adiah besday plg awl ak dpt...=P

tenkiu Dr. kt spital slyg..=P
ade ag...surat MC..hehe..
etcaly, ak badminton..dr. ckp fracture phalanx...foot phalanx..hurmmm..
mule2 kne cuak gak la..sbb rse cam pth bahu dulu...hurmmm...
seb bek la dr. ckp sket je...ak pown x taw sket cmne..

ni x-ray...tgk kat fourth phalanx tuh...ak pown x taw sme je...hehe...
adiah besday plg awl ak dpt...=P
tenkiu Dr. kt spital slyg..=P
ade ag...surat MC..hehe..
etcaly, ak badminton..dr. ckp fracture phalanx...foot phalanx..hurmmm..
mule2 kne cuak gak la..sbb rse cam pth bahu dulu...hurmmm...
seb bek la dr. ckp sket je...ak pown x taw sket cmne..
ni x-ray...tgk kat fourth phalanx tuh...ak pown x taw sme je...hehe...
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