Saturday, March 27, 2010


nk mnaip psl ni cam sensitip x pe la...juz my point of view...
psl pe???psl kes biotek pndah BJ ah...huhu..
last week de dialog session ngan TNC2..2 org je dtg..patotnye de ag...
sbb x dtg x taw ah..dan sbb ketakdatangan diorg tuh da jd point tuk ktorg student2 ni MENEMBAK mreka....hurmm...
psl isu ni...kne pndah BJ bkn prob bg ak...sbb seblom ni da pnah pown duk sne..n it is not a problem for problem bg rmai student2 leyn...tah problem diorg...diorg jela yg taw...walopon ak cam taw gak la sket..hehe...
psl dialog aritu...komen ak x bpihak pd mne2...mnagement pown salah...student pown slh...biase nye win win situation tp kali ni cam lose lose situation...
mngement x redy nk bdepan ngan ktorg...jwpn yg di beri pown skadar boley dipercayai oleh bdk2 tadika je...alahai...
isu pindah ni sensitip la jwpn yg bernas sket...mmg hak ktorg sbgai student tuk risau psl ni melibatkn mse dpn... tp nk slhkn mnagement 100 pecen pown x bley gak ko...student pown ego nye cam mlebey..x sume k...cmni la...

"If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience."

msg send???stgh2 student ni mmg xmo pindah bg la alsan pe pown...jwpn pe pown...mmg diorg x puas ati nye...yg diorg nk denga X JD pk2 kan la...

psl dialog aritu pow...hurmm...JGN CAMPOR ngan politik k...pd ak stgh2 soklan student ni based on fahamn politik diorg...yelah...UNISEL kan pembangkang...nk hentam2 pown biarla based on fact..bwk bukti...jgn ckp je..."sy ade source ckp gini2..."mmg la nk jge kedudukan source tu responsible with actions u've taken...hurmmm...

lg satu psl keadaan lab sne...btol..mmg ksg..hapak xde pape ag...sape x risau beb...ktorg biotek...lab tuh playground ktorg...haihh...cume nye cam x kne la plak...yg duk bsg2 psl lab trok tuh tym lab muke nye lgsg x pnah x pe byk post ak btaw ak nye sbb nape ak nk pndah n nape isu ni jd masalah kat ak...